Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Don't Leave Home Without It!

Are you ready for your trip?

We understand that when you're traveling you don't want to worry about a thing. But events happen even to the well-prepared travelers. You may have to cancel your trip at the last minute to tend to a family emergency. You may need medical assistance when you are away. Your baggage may go missing or there may be damage to your personal property.
You just never know.

Ask yourselves a few questions:

1)what happens if my trip has to be cut short or I have to extend my trip due to an illness at destination

2)would I be able to(or want to)pay for toiletries/clothes and other necessities if my baggage is lost?

3)could I afford an air ambulance home?

4)does my current coverage through work or my credit card pay up front for medical expenses?or cover everyone traveling with me?

Here is a brief summary of the different travel insurance plans that I suggest. This is only a very brief summary and you should read the full document as highlighted for the full details

RBC Deluxe Package Travel Insurance covers your emergency medical needs: doctor visits, tests, hospitalization etc. This plan also covers cancellation, interruption and trip delays, flight accident, delayed baggage and personal effects and damaged baggage.

RBC Non Medical Package Travel Insurance covers cancellation, interruption and trip delays, flight accident, travel accident, delayed baggage and personal effects and damaged baggage. There is NO medical coverage included.

Anyone over the age of 60 will be required to remit a medical questionnaire prior to booking if they are buying a medical coverage only to ensure the coverage will be permitted by RBC.

Anyone choosing to purchase insurance will make payment at the time of final payment.As the provincial taxes vary, those amounts will be determined at payment time.

Deluxe Travel Plan-$1900.00 coverage 5-9 days

0-54 years-  $135.00
55-59 years-$142.00
60-64 years-$153.00
65-69 years-$161.00
70-74 years-$184.00
75-79 years-$306.00
80-84 years-$394.00
85 + years  -$446.00

Non-Medical Plan

0-54 years-$154.00
55-59 years-$158.00
60-64 years-$178.00
65-69 years-$216.00
70-74 years-$295.00

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